Saturday, March 10, 2012

Have The Americans Given Up?

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Joshua Brooks greets students at the school in Khan Neshin, Helmand province, Afghanistan, Feb. 25, 2012. Brooks is assigned to Team 3, Civil Affairs Detachment 11-2. The Marines of Team 3 are providing guidance to the regional government and are helping them construct a new school. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Michael Cifuentes

We Give Up: Americans Are Sick And Tired Of The Middle East. -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

Americans — left, right, Democrats, and Republicans — are all sick of thankless nation-building in the Middle East. Yet democratization was not our first choice, but rather a last resort after other methods failed.

The United States long ago supplied Afghan insurgents, who expelled the Soviets after a decade of fighting. Then we left. The country descended into even worse medievalism under the Taliban. So after removing the Taliban, who had hosted the perpetrators of 9/11, we promised in 2001 to stay on.

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My Comment: I would not say that the U.S. has given up .... but they are certainly 'sick and tired' of the Middle East .... myself included.

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