Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is The Fragile Relationship Between Washington And Kabul Unraveling?

The Divide Between Occupier And Occupied -- Al Jazeera

After a week of bloodshed in Afghanistan, we ask if the fragile relationship between Washington and Kabul is unraveling.

A week of protests and a week of bloodshed. There appears to be no end to the anger being expressed in Afghanistan over the burning of the Quran by US troops at Bagram Air Base.

Despite repeated apologies from Barack Obama, the US president, and others in his administration, the incident is threatening to rip apart some of the fragile relationships that exist in the country.

Read more ....

My Comment: Is the U.S. - Afghan relations unraveling? My answer .... was there ever a relationship to begin with?

As to where are we going next .... many (if not most) Afghans want us out. But here is the surprise .... even more Americans want us to be out of Afghanistan .... this blogger included. With little common ground between the two countries, I have trouble seeing how we can justify our presence there .... especially to this growing American sentiment of wanting our troops home now.

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