Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is The Religious Conflict In Nigeria Becoming Like Pakistan's?

Hostage Tragedy: Nigeria Is In Danger Of Turning Into A Blood-Soaked African Pakistan -- The Telegraph

Africa's religious divide is visible from space. Satellite images show the browns and burnt yellows of the arid north giving way to tropical greens as the view moves from north to south.

The coloured frontier slices through Nigeria in the west through Sudan, reaching the Indian Ocean in Kenya. To the north lie Muslim lands, to the south the religion is predominantly Christian.

I travelled across that line in 2001, shortly after 9/11, driving from the Nigerian capital Abuja to the historic city of Sokoto, scene of Thursday's failed attempt to rescue Chris McManus and Franco Lamolinara.

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My Comment: This Nigerian has actually been happening in Africa for a very long time. Case in point .... the conflict between North Sudan Arab Muslims against Christian blacks in the south has been ongoing for decades.

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