Friday, March 30, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 30, 2012

Unmanned aerial vehicles that exceed 55 pounds, such as the MQ-8B Fire Scout helicopter, will be maintained, and possibly operated, by enlisted members of the aviation community. Navy

Weight Of UAV May Determine Who Controls It -- Air Force Times

If you’re interested in working with unmanned aerial vehicles, you may get some career guidance from a bathroom scale.

The Navy has set a weight-based threshold for who will operate unmanned aircraft, with UAVs weighing more than 55 pounds being operated as adjuncts to manned systems, while operators of lighter aircraft will come from other corners of the service.

Read more ....


Polish minister: EU and Nato might fall apart -- EU Observer

Manila offers U.S. wider military access, seeks weapons -- Reuters

Chinese Grad Student Hacks Indian Military Research Firms -- New York Times

India Army Chief Calls Leak of Letter ‘High Treason’
-- Defense News

South China Sea Drives Regional Choices
-- Aviation Week

Pakistan willing to use F-16s to destroy hideouts, US told -- DAWN

Top US military officer says ties between US and Pakistan on 'road to recovery' -- FOX News

Joint Chiefs chairman sees security ties with Latin America as key to war on terror -- Washington Post

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Looks to Expand Military Ties With Brazil -- Defpro

Rio students protest military coup anniversary
-- AFP

F-22 Oxygen Problem Still Eluding Investigators --

Study: AF lacks stealth aircraft to fight China -- Air Force Times

DT Poll: What’s the World’s Best 4.5-Gen Fighter? -- Defense Tech

USAF Panel: Create Medical Teams to Look at Raptor Pilots
-- Defense News

DoD Adds $17B to Total Cost Estimate for F-35 -- Defense News

Boeing Looks Afar for New C-17 Jet Sales -- Wall Street Journal

DOD offers empty promises to fix tac-air recap -- Eric Palmer Blog

White House ‘Big Data’ Push Means Big Bucks for Drone Brains -- Danger Room

NATO: Member nations should share military systems -- AP

Raven drones scan area before Vandenberg rocket launches
-- L.A. Times

Delivery of Shadow 200 UAV speeds up
-- UPI

Flying the V-22 -- Vertical Magazine

Budget chairman challenges generals on defense
-- AP

GOP leader: Pentagon lied to us
-- DoD Buzz

Lawmakers Accuse Each Other and Military of Dishonesty Over Defense Budget -- National Journal

Ryan: Didn't doubt military brass honesty -- UPI

Strategy Drove Budget Decisions, Dempsey Says -- US Department of Defense

PTSD Defense Won’t Save Accused Shooter in Afghan Massacre
-- Danger Room

Afghanistan Massacre Brings Alcohol Addiction In The Military To The Forefront -- New York Daily News

Many Think Bales Case Reflects a Military Pushed to Limit

Rhetorical Retreat
-- Mark Thompson, Time

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