Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pictures Reveal America’s ‘Deteriorating’ Nuclear Weapons Infrastructure

America’s ‘Deteriorating’ Nuclear Weapons Infrastructure -- Weekly Standard

As Washington wrangles over the size of the federal budget in a time of fiscal austerity, Congress is debating whether to hold President Obama to his promise of adequately funding the modernization of America’s nuclear arsenal and infrastructure in exchange for the Senate’s passage of the controversial New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with the Russia in December 2010. The debate has pit liberal lawmakers like Congressman Edward Markey (D, Mass.), who advocate global nuclear disarmament, against Congressman Michael Turner (R, Ohio) and other national security stalwarts, who support more investment in the U.S. nuclear deterrent.

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My Comment: A picture says a thousand words (scroll down this pdf document for the pics) .... and I hope that Congressman Edward Markey (D, Mass.) will take a tour of America's nuclear infrastructure.

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