Monday, March 5, 2012

Predictions On The Up And Coming Obama-Netanyahu Meeting

When Obama Meets Netanyahu... -- Mark Mardell, BBC

When President Barack Obama meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both must hope the atmosphere is more comfortable than their last White House encounter.

Let's face it, it could hardly be worse. Then the Israeli PM lectured the American president on Israel's borders as if he were a naive ingenu. He gave every indication that is exactly what he thought of him.

President Obama listened, looking impatient and testy, unused to such treatment. He now says their relationship is "very functional", while noting they come from different political traditions. At least he didn't claim any warmth.

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My Comment: My prediction .... this will be a total waste of time with both sides talking past each other. More worrisome, I fear that after this meeting Israel may make the decision to go it alone.

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