Thursday, March 29, 2012

Violence And Strikes Grip Spain

Spain Leader Vows Hard Line As Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Austerity -- Christian Science Monitor

Fed-up Spaniards took to the streets in a national strike Thursday, as Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy struggled against waning political support for his unpopular economic policies.

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards marched Thursday in the first general strike against strangling austerity, only the most recent challenge to the new conservative government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy fending off resistance from all sides.

“We can’t take this anymore,” says Eva CaƱamares, a station manager in Madrid’s subway system. Her 11 and 9-year old children were passing out union flags beside her in the central Puerta del Sol plaza, where tens of thousands chanted against government economic policies.

Read more ....

More News On Spain's Day of Strikes And Protests

Spain engulfed by nationwide anti-austerity strike -- AP
Angry Spaniards strike against labor reform -- Reuters
Millions stay off the job to protest new labor laws in Spain -- L.A. Times
Spanish workers strike against labor reforms -- MSNBC
Spain Vows to Resist Strikers’ Demands to Reverse Labor Law -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Spain Hit By General Strike -- Wall Street Journal
Spanish Workers Protest Labor Reforms -- Voice of America

My Comment: This "train wreck" was predicted years ago ... but the then government refused to implement the policies that must be implemented today. 20+% unemployment, massive debts .... what were they thinking then .... and hell .... what are they thinking today. Bottom line .... they are broke, and they do not have the money to fulfill the promises that the government made years ago .... and worse .... for those who still have a job in Spain .... their cherished labor rules are now being eliminated because they are not sustainable.

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