Sunday, April 22, 2012

Army Major's Despair At Our 'Pointless War'

Strain: The emails reveal how morale has evaporated as the years of exhausting combat take its toll on troops

Army Major's Despair At Our 'Pointless War': Senior Officer's Damning Emails Reveal Plummeting Morale At Heart Of Afghan Campaign That Has Cost 409 British Lives -- Daily Mail

They are stark words that reveal the despair of our forces fighting in Afghanistan.

Emails sent to a former military chaplain paint a damning picture of sinking morale among Servicemen who feel the human cost of the conflict can no longer be justified.

Dr Peter Lee, a university lecturer who spent seven years as an RAF padre, has released the emails to highlight the extent of disillusionment within the ranks.

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My Comment: And these sentiments are probably just the tip of the iceberg.

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