Friday, April 6, 2012

Bosnia-Hercegovina Remembers The 20th Anniversary Of The Civil War

Bosnia-Hercegovina Marks 20th Anniversary Of War -- BBC

Ceremonies in Sarajevo are marking 20 years since the start of the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina, a conflict that saw the worst atrocities in Europe since World War II.

The conflict began in April 1992 as part of the break-up of Yugoslavia.

About 100,000 people were killed and nearly half the population forced from their homes in four years of fighting.

Red chairs have filled the street in Sarajevo where the conflict began - 11,541, one for each victim there.

People have been putting flowers on some of the chairs. A teddy bear, toys and schoolbooks were placed on the smaller ones that symbolise the hundreds of children killed during the four-year long siege by Serb forces.

Sarajevans were asked to stop what they were doing at 12:00 GMT for an hour to mark the start of the conflict.

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More News On The 20th Anniversary of The Bosnia-Hercegovina Civil War

Bosnia Marks 20 Years Since War Began -- Time/AP
Sarajevo: A look back at the first few months of the siege -- L.A. Times
Sarajevo remembers its dead 20 years after war began -- Toronto Star
Sarajevo marks 20th anniversary of Bosnian war's start -- CBS News
Bosnia marks anniversary of war -- Press Association
Empty chairs mark Bosnia anniversary -- BBC
Shaky calm as Bosnia marks war anniversary -- UPI
Bosnian war 20 years on: peace holds but conflict continues to haunt -- The Guardian
2 decades after Bosnia’s war erupted, the national idols are volleyball players without limbs -- Washington Post/AP
Two Decades After Siege, Sarajevo Still A City Divided -- NPR
Remembering Sarajevo: A Reunion of Journalists 20 Years Later -- ABC News
Grief of Bosnia war lingers on -- BBC
Bosnian war 20th anniversary: Sarajevo residents remember siege victims Friday -- Christian Science Monitor
20 Years Later: The Bosnian Conflict in Photographs -- Time

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