Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brookings Study: Rising U.S.-China Mistrust Has Dangerous Long-Term Implications

Rising U.S.-China Mistrust Has Dangerous Long-Term Implications, Brookings Study Says -- Washingtion Post

China and the United States are locked in a pattern of rising distrust that, if left unchecked, could result in a dangerously adversarial relationship in coming decades, according to two analysts with access to high-level leaders in both governments.

Their conclusions, compiled in a Brookings Institution study released Monday, note that although suspicions exist on both sides, they appear even more deeply rooted on the Chinese side, where leaders view the United States as a declining power seeking “to constrain or even upset China’s rise.”

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More News On U.S. - China Relations

Chinese Insider Offers Rare Glimpse of U.S.-China Frictions -- New York Times
US-China Study Authors Defend Findings -- Voice of America
Authors of US-China Study Speak Out on Findings -- Voice of Amerca
In candid study, Chinese scholar sees US decline -- AFP
Military Strength, Diplomacy and “Strategic Distrust” -- China Digital Times

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