Friday, April 6, 2012

Heavy Fighting in Syria 6 Days Before The UN Ceasefire

Syrian Villagers Clash With Government Loyalists, Opposition Says -- CNN

(CNN) -- Fierce fighting erupted Friday between armed men loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebels from opposing villages, opposition activists said, raising questions about the potency of a U.N.-brokered peace plan that calls on the government to take steps to end the bloodshed.

At least two women were killed and four were injured in fighting that broke out between military defectors and armed men loyal to al-Assad in the beleaguered western province of Homs, according to the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

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More News On The Fighting In Syria

New Clashes Fuel U.N. Skepticism of Promises by Syria -- New York Times
Syria broadens offensives in Damascus suburbs and central cities ahead of cease-fire -- Washington Post
Syria steps up offensive in Damascus suburbs -- USA Today/AP
Syrian tanks in action four days before pullout date -- Reuters
Fighting in Syria despite talk of pullback -- Reuters
Syria fighting rages ahead of UN deadline -- AFP
Clashes Erupt in Syria, Despite Warning From UN -- Voice of America
U.N. chief: Syria crisis getting worse -- CBS/AP
UN Envoy Firm on April 12 Deadline for Syria Cease-fire -- Voice of Merica
Analysis: Success of Annan peace plan for Syria hinges on Russia -- Reuters

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