Friday, April 20, 2012

North Korea's Dark Secret

North Korea’s Prison Camps: The Gulag Behind The Goose-Steps -- The Economist

A ghastly secret that the North Koreans have tried to hide for too long

LOOKING down on members of a 1.1m-strong army that applauded his every remark, Kim Jong Un giggled with delight during the centenary on April 15th of the birth of his late grandfather, Kim Il Sung. The contrast with his unsmiling father, Kim Jong Il, who died in December, could not have been clearer.

Unlike his father, the mop-haired Mr Kim spoke directly to the nation, in a resonant voice that masked the monotony of his message. His regime invited international television crews to film the festivities. Unexpectedly, it admitted that a mission to put a satellite into orbit in honour of his grandfather had failed. It all made for good television, and some commentators claimed to detect signals from the young ruler of a new openness in the regime.

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My Comment: North Korea's gulags reminds me of the gulags that existed in the Soviet Union. Everyone knew that they existed .... but no one talked about them.

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