Monday, April 23, 2012

The Rise Of The Narco-Sub

This 2009 file photo shows an aerial view of a semi-submarine, which, according to Colombian authorities, is used to transport illicit drugs, is seen at the Atrato River in Turbo province, near Medellin. John Vizcaino/REUTERS/File

Coast Guard Siezes 'Narco-Sub' In Caribbean -- Christian Science Monitor

Some 80 percent of cocaine leaving South America goes by sea, highlighting the importance of maritime routes to traffickers, writes a guest blogger.

As the US Coast Guard intercepts a drug-smuggling submarine in the Caribbean, the 30th such vessel intercepted since 2006, Southern Command has called for closer partnerships with authorities throughout the region.

A Miami-based aircrew spotted the suspicious semi-submersible vessel on March 30, and the Coast Guard dispatched two boats to intercept it. The crew of four sank the craft before they were apprehended.

Read more ....

My Comment: The subs that are being used are "crude" in design .... but I suspect that better and more expensive models are being planned .... or constructed .... or being used right now.

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