Thursday, April 19, 2012

Russia Boycotts 'Friends Of Syria' Meeting In Paris

Brief Russia-West Détente On Syria Conflict Comes To An End -- Christian Science Monitor

Russia rejected an invitation to Paris to discuss next steps for Syria, saying that world leaders seemed more intent on helping the rebels than on brokering peace.

Russia today categorically refused to join about a dozen Western and Arab foreign ministers gathering in Paris to discuss ways to pressure Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to abide by the terms of the United Nations peace plan, alleging that the meeting's intent was "counterproductive."

Moscow's self-exclusion from the latest "Friends of Syria" conference – which will include top policymakers from the US, Germany, France, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other countries – suggests that the recent reconciliation between Russia and the West over how to approach the Syrian crisis may be short-lived.

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More News On Russia Boycotting The 'Friends Of Syria' Meeting In Paris

Russia says Friends of Syria meeting is destructive -- Reuters
Russia says Paris meeting hurts Syria peace talks -- NOW Lebanon
Russia: No progress in Syria -- UPI
Russian FM says only UN can evaluate success of Annan’s cease-fire plan for Syria -- Washington Post/AP
Russia accuses 'external forces' of undermining Kofi Annan's Syria plan -- The Guardian
Foreign ministers to discuss Syria in Paris; Russia boycotts ‘one-sided’ meet -- Al Arabiya
France slams 'isolated' Russia over Syria talks snub -- Expatica
Different approaches, same goal? UN vs. Friends of Syria -- RT

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