Sunday, April 22, 2012

U.S. Intelligence Failure In China?

Analysis: Did U.S. Fumble Chance to Peer Inside China's Secretive Leadership? -- New York Times/Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Information about a Chinese policeman who implicated the wife of a top Chinese official in a British businessman's murder was not circulated widely in Washington as he was considered of marginal intelligence value, current and former U.S. officials said.

In the weeks since Wang Lijun's visit to the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu and his subsequent detention, some critics of the Obama administration have accused it of fumbling what could have been one of the highest-level defectors ever from inside China's clannish leadership class.

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My Comment: The Chinese government is making it very clear that they do not like the international coverage of what (to them) is essentially an internal political scandal.

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