Thursday, April 19, 2012

The World Is Ignoring The Looming Sudan Disaster

The International Community Must Wake Up To Looming Sudan Disaster -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

As clashes spread between the north and south, why are guarantors of the peace agreement not helping to prevent war?

Sudan burns – and the world yawns. Clashes along the north-south border multiply and spread, presaging all-out war – and the UN talks vaguely of new sanctions. Khartoum's parliament brands newly independent South Sudan an "enemy", oil wells burn, civilians are bombed, a humanitarian emergency looms – and Thabo Mbeki, the African Union's forlorn mediator, suggests there is not much he can do. In the order of global business, it seems Sudan does not rate highly.

This is odd, given the massive effort the US, Britain, and other guarantors put into securing the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended 22 years of civil war. The deal was loudly applauded at the time, leading directly to last year's southern secession. But its loose ends, principally over border demarcation and oil sharing, may be its undoing. Both countries say they remain committed to peace. Neither can afford another conflict. But in Mbeki's words, they are trapped in the "logic of war".

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My Comment: The road to hell is always paved with good intentions .... and in Sudan's case .... the good intentions was to split the country and to work out the details later. Unfortunately .... the devil is in the details, and for Sudan .... the details is what is plunging this region into an all out war.

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