Monday, May 7, 2012

After Today's Elections In France And Greece, What`s Next For Europe

Victorious: The face of the newly-elected French President appears on a giant screen at the local Socialist party headquarters in Strasbourg

Au Revoir, Austerity! New Euro Crisis As French Vote For Return To Ruinous Spending -- Daily Mail

* President Nicolas Sarkozy ousted by socialist candidate Francois Hollande
* Meanwhile in Greece, voters reject policies of tough financial discipline
* Analysts warns results could tip single currency into collapse within months

Europe was plunged into fresh economic chaos last night as France rejected austerity and elected a tax-and-spend socialist president.

Nicolas Sarkozy suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Francois Hollande, who ran on a platform of tearing up last December’s controversial deal to save the euro from oblivion.

The inexperienced Mr Hollande is now seeking talks with the European Central Bank and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to demand further borrowing to boost growth.

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My Comment: A return of the policies that put many European countries into a debt cycle that has spawned the Euro crisis is not the solution for France. But .... the French electorate have clearly stated otherwise, giving a mandate to the new socialist President to pursue just that. For an aspiring entrepreneur in France, my advice to them is to look elsewhere to do your business.

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