Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are Certain U.S. Politicians ‘Reinventing The Truth’ About Waterboarding

Ex-CIA Counterterror Chief Says Pelosi ‘Reinventing the Truth’ About Waterboarding -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post

In an explosive memoir released today, former CIA counterterrorism chief Jose Rodriguez provides new evidence that Rep. Nancy Pelosi lied when she declared she had not been briefed about the use of waterboarding.

Recall that in a Capitol Hill news conference three years ago, Pelosi (D-Calif.) vehemently denied being told about the use of waterboarding at a CIA briefing in September 2002. “We were not — I repeat — were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used,” Pelosi said. She later changed her story, telling reporters, “We were told explicitly that waterboarding was not being used.” She claimed she learned about the use of waterboarding the following year, only after other lawmakers were told by the CIA. “I wasn’t briefed, I was informed that somebody else had been briefed about it,” she said.

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My Comment: To resolve this dispute is simple ....

.... There is a simple way to settle this once and for all. Pelosi should formally request that the Obama administration declassify the cable that was sent from headquarters to the field reporting on the details of her Sept. 4, 2002, briefing. If she refuses to do so, it should be taken as an admission by Pelosi that her account of events is a fabrication.

Not surprising .... since this story first broke out 3 years ago .... Pelosi's office has been silent on pushing for the declassification of this cable.

Update: Jose Rodriguez is now being criticized and vilified by many in the main stream media and by many Democrat senators for what he has publicized in his book .... I call this a convenient distraction for those politicians (like Rep. Nancy Pelosi) who are uncomfortable with the media spotlight being put on them over this issue.

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