Saturday, May 19, 2012

Boeing Prepares For Massive U.S. Defense Cuts

Boeing Readies For More Defense Cuts -- Aviation Week

Boeing is paring its workforce, consolidating facilities and cutting overhead to prepare for the “distinct possibility” that U.S. defense spending will be cut by a total of $1 trillion over the next decade, the head of the company’s defense business said May 15.

The defense division has already shed about 8,000 of 60,000 jobs over the past 18 months, but most of those people had shifted to positions in the commercial sector, where revenues are still rising, Dennis Muilenburg, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Defense, Space and Security, said on a webcast of the company’s annual investor conference.

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My Comment: They are not saying it publicly .... but Boeing is predicting that sequestration and the massive budget cuts that it will spawn will happen.

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