Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Case For The F-35

F-35C Lightning II, marked CF-1. Wikipedia

Real Consequences Of Delaying F-35 Program -- Gens. John D.W. Corley and William R. Looney III, Washington Times

Slowing production will increase costs and keep pilots in obsolete fighters.

Although American warriors have returned from Iraq and many are re- turning from Afghanistan, our nation still faces serious and continuing security threats. The return - and painful loss - of U.S. combat troops should serve as a reminder that as a nation, we have a solemn duty to provide our military professionals with the best tools available to accomplish their missions at the lowest possible loss of life. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter falls squarely into that category.

Read more ....

My Comment: They are saying that there are consequences if the F-35 program is delayed .... who are they kidding. Delays and problems in the program stem from Lockheed and the promises that they made years ago. Bottom line .... if the F-35 was a great program with a great future .... participating nations would be jumping on the band wagon eager and happy to give production orders for the plane .... but they are not. Hmmmm .... now why is that the case.

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