Thursday, May 17, 2012

Defense Sequestration Won’t Be Solved Until After Election

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michèle Flournoy (DoD Photo/Cherie Cullen)

Flournoy: Defense Sequestration Won’t Be Solved Until After Election -- The Cable/Foreign Policy

The Defense Department and Congress are playing chicken over $600 billion of mandatory defense cuts identified by a process known as "sequestration," but a compromise probably won't surface until after the November elections, according to former top Obama defense official Michèle Flournoy.

"I think during that period after the election and before the sequestration goes into effect [on Jan. 3], that will be the period when people will become intensely focused on this," Flournoy said in response to a question from The Cable at an event Tuesday at the American Enterprise Institute.

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My Comment: I have to agree. Big budget issues that involves cutting the budget are usually kicked down the road for other politicians to deal with. But in this case .... sequestration is forcing politicians to make hard budget decision now .... more specifically .... at the end of this year in a lame duck Congress.

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