Friday, May 25, 2012

F-22's Oxygen Issues Are Raising Questions About The F-35's Oxygen System

F-22's Oxygen Issues Raise Questions About F-35 -- US News and World Report

Lockheed Martin remains mum about whether an oxygen system flaw on its F-22 fighter might also plague its sibling, the F-35, but defense analysts say there are reasons to worry.

After a dozen incidents of F-22 pilots losing consciousness mid-flight, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta placed restrictions last week on the Air Force's Raptor fleet amid safety concerns. Panetta has restricted the distances the advanced jets can fly and ordered a fleet-wide installation of an automatic backup oxygen system.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Lockheed is announcing that the F-35's oxygen system is 'very different' than the F-22s .... that the same problems will not arise. Hmmmm .... why do I not feel reassured.

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