Saturday, May 19, 2012

French President Hollande Stays Committed To Early Afghanistan Withdrawal

In Hollande, Obama has an ally in support of a stimulus approach to the eurozone crisise. Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters

Hollande Meets Obama, Reaffirms Early Afghanistan Withdrawal -- Voice of America

French President Francois Hollande and President Barack Obama have discussed Afghanistan, the eurozone crisis, Syria and other international issues in a meeting at the White House.

President Hollande's White House talks, his attendance at the G8 summit in Camp David, Maryland, and the NATO summit in Chicago, are part of his international debut after his election victory.

As a candidate he pledged to withdraw France's 3,400 troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year.

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More News On The Early French Withdrawal From Afghanistan

French Afghan pullout in 2012 'not negotiable': Hollande -- AFP
France's Hollande sticking to early Afghan pullout -- AP
Francois Hollande: France will press ahead with Afghan withdrawal -- The Telegraph
Hollande stands by pledge to pull troops from Afghanistan -- CBS
Hollande sticking to Afghanistan withdrawal by year's end -- CNN
Obama, France's Hollande hunt for Afghanistan compromise -- ABC News

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