Monday, May 21, 2012

Has President Obama Stopped Listening To His Generals?

Above: President Barack Obama meets with members of his national security team in the Situation Room of the White House, Oct. 11, 2011 (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

“Military All In But Obama Wasn’t” -- Max Boot, Commentary

Back in late 2009, when President Obama announced that he would send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan but only for 18 months, many conservatives were highly critical of his decision, arguing that the president did not have the temperament to wage a war successfully and that he was only going to throw away troops’ lives needlessly without trying to achieve victory. I was not one of them. I was willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, and I supported the president’s move as a way to arrest the decline in Afghanistan. Having sent more troops and first-rate commanders—first Stanley McChrystal, then David Petraeus, now John Allen—I thought that Obama was committed to a successful outcome and could not risk backing down without calling one of his major commitments into question.

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My Comment: Max Boot is not alone .... pundits like Jennifer Rubin are now wondering if national security is taking a back seat to politics? As to what is my take .... I am still giving President Obama the benefit of the doubt .... and that both Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin are wrong. But it is still disquieting to read reports .... which I do everyday for this blog .... that the President is not involved in intelligence/national security issues to the level that would make me feel comfortable.

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