Monday, May 14, 2012

Iran's Nuclear Bomb Intentions Coming To Light

A still-frame from the Haaretz news web site shows the alleged nuclear blast chamber at the Parchin military site. Images of Parchin itself are mostly classified (Image from

Nuclear Infowar: New ‘Evidence’ Of Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions As Vienna Talks Approach -- RT

As Tehran finally makes efforts to rehabilitate its nuclear program with the West, a new piece of counter-evidence emerges: a CGI picture of an allegedly Iranian nuclear blast chamber. The timing is just right, with Vienna talks starting Monday.

­The image, which shows a white cylinder with a yellow pipe sticking out of it inside a hangar-like building, was provided to the Associated Press purportedly by an anonymous official from an IAEA country that tracks Iran’s nuclear program. The official noted that the picture was based on information from someone who had visited the Parchin military site suspected of harboring the chamber, but said giving further information would endanger the life of that person.

Read more ....

Update: Drawing may provide insight into Iran's nuclear intentions -- FOX News/AP

My Comment: Iran denies such claims. But as long as Iran prohibits UN nuclear inspectors from visiting .... one will have to assume the worst scenario.

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