Saturday, May 26, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 26, 2012


Iran Has Enough Uranium For Five Nuclear Weapons, Claims US Thinktank -- The Guardian

Institute for Science and International Security says uranium output up by a third but needs more refining for use in bombs

Iran has significantly increased its output of low-enriched uranium and if it was further refined could make at at least five nuclear weapons, according to a US thinktank.

The Institute for Science and International Security, which tracks Iran's nuclear programme, made the analysis on the basis of data in the latest quarterly report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Read more


Introducing Iran’s Newest Attack Helos, Wait a Second…
-- Defense Tech

MPs see conscription as possible cure to Iraq woes -- Space War

China And Israel Expand Military Ties In Sign Of Growing Cooperation -- International Business Times

S. Korea to Choose Aircraft Competition Winners in October
-- Defense News/AFP

NATO Considers Process To Harmonize Defense Procurement -- Defense News

Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you (and they include 'pork', 'cloud' and 'Mexico') -- Daily Mail

The Marines’ next Super Stallion
-- DoD Buzz

Why Senate, House Authorizers Both Added Dough For Armor
-- Aol Defense

Congress Is Forcing The Army To Buy 33 Battle Tanks It Doesn't Even Want -- Business Insider

10-Hour Blaze Aboard USS Miami (updated) -- Defense Tech

Nuclear Sub May Have to Be Scrapped After Fire --

The 60mm Wonder Got Better
-- Strategy Page

Survivors of military suicide victims come together to grieve -- MSNBC

Lawsuit challenges combat exclusion for women -- Marine Times

Military women in combat: Why making it official matters -- Jena McGregor, Washington Post

U.S. Senate Confirms 3 Pentagon Positions
-- Defense News

Food Fight: Contractor Accused of $750 Million Overcharge for Wartime Grub -- Danger Room

The Art of Intelligence Lessons from a Life in the CIA’s Clandestine Service by Henry A Crumpton. -- Washington Post

Scooter Obama Outs Navy SEAL Team 6 Leader For Movie -- IBD Editorial

Does military service still matter for the presidency? -- John Nagl, Washington Post

Obama pays tribute to veterans, military -- Politico

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