Friday, May 25, 2012

No More Free Flights For Australian Soldiers

Diggers in Afghanistan will get free beer at Christmas, but no trip home for the holidays.

Single Diggers To Lose Annual Free Flights Home --

* About 27,000 Australian Defence Force members single
* Defence unaware of any change to married reunion travel
* Defence funding was cut by $5.5 billion in the Budget

ABOUT 22,000 unmarried military personnel will lose their annual free flights home because of Budget cuts aimed at boosting the Government's surplus.

The benefit has been in place for decades and allows unmarried Defence members based in places far from home, such as Darwin or Townsville, to be reunited with their family at Christmas.

Navy sailors received two flights and trainees three. They have now been cut to one only for under-21s.

About 27,000 Australian Defence Force members are single and about 5000 of those are under 21. Married troops posted away from families are entitled to six free reunion flights a year. That benefit is also under review.

Read more ....

My Comment: All that I can say to my fellow Aussies .... expect more cuts .... including the free beer.

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