Thursday, May 17, 2012

North Korea's 'Gulag Archipelago'

North Korea's Gulag -- Wall Street Journal

New evidence reveals a vast, cruel network of prison camps.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak deserves praise for one accomplishment above all others: He has put human rights in North Korea on the world's agenda. This certainly has hit a nerve in Pyongyang. The late Kim Jong Il cut off talks with the South, and now Kim Jong Eun has embarked on a campaign of abuse against President Lee that is vile even by that regime's standards.

A new report by South Korea's National Human Rights Commission provides further vindication. It documents the suffering of Pyongyang's roughly 200,000 political prisoners, held in a network of labor camps across the country. The report contains detailed and harrowing accounts from 200 former prisoners. The shocking nature of the crimes they witnessed should convince the Obama Administration that making any deal to provide aid that extends the life of such a regime is immoral.

Read more ....

My Comment: One more example on why it is probably 'immoral' to make a deal on aid with such a regime.

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