Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Profile On A U.S. Soldier And The Afghan Soldier Who Killed Him

In an undated photo, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Andrew Trevor Britton-Mihalo, who was killed April 25 on a military base in Afghanistan, is shown at parachute jumping school. (Britton-Mihalo memorial website / May 12, 2012)

A U.S. Soldier And The Afghan Soldier Who Killed Him -- L.A. Times

The man who turned his gun on Green Beret Andrew Britton-Mihalo of Simi Valley was also part of an elite corps. The tragedy is part of a worrisome trend in Afghanistan.

KABUL, Afghanistan — In many ways, the two young soldiers were not so different from each other.

Each was tough-minded and physically powerful. Each worked hard to win a place in an elite military unit, and spoke with pride of serving his country.

They were 25 years old, these two: one newly married, the other planning a wedding this year. Their upbringings were as disparate as their homelands were distant, but religious faith was entwined with the family lives of both.

Their lives ended, violently and nearly simultaneously, one evening late last month at a remote outpost in southern Afghanistan — one dead at the other's hands.

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My Comment: One more reason (among God knows how many) on why this war should be left to the Afghans themselves to sort out. Our prayers and thoughts are with Andrew Britton-Mihalo's family.

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