Thursday, May 3, 2012

Russian Ministry: U.S.-NATO Missile Defense Will Neutralize China's Nuclear Deterrent

Missile Defense May Void Chinese Deterrent Soon - Ministry. RIA Novosti. Michail Fomichev

Missile Defense May Void Chinese Deterrent Soon - Ministry -- RIA Novosti

Creation of a missile defense system for Europe may neutralize the deterrent of China's nuclear weapons much sooner than Russia's, a Defense Ministry official said on Thursday at a missile defense conference in Moscow.

"China's nuclear potential will be 'neutralized' much sooner than Russia's. China has a much more limited capability," said Sergei Koshelev, the head of the ministry's Military Cooperation Department.

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My Comment:
I call this a "wink-nudge" from Russia to China that they better pay attention to missile defense.

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