Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Taliban Respond To The NATO Summit

US President Barack Obama waves alongside Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen as NATO heads of state gather for a family photo at Soldier Field in Chicago. Photo: Andrew Winning/Reuters

Taliban Derides 'Futile' NATO Summit -- L.A. Times

KABUL, Afghanistan -- The Taliban movement on Tuesday mocked NATO for what it described as a "futile" summit that had ended a day earlier in Chicago.

"Out of desperation, they repeated the same old narrative," said a Pashto-language statement posted on the movement's website after the gathering concluded.

Read more ....

Update #1: Taliban: NATO nations should leave war like France -- AP
Update #2: Obama’s Afghanistan Problem: Neither Karzai Nor the Taliban Like the ‘Reconciliation’ Script -- Time

My Comment: The Taliban must be viewing the NATO summit as a victory for their cause. They now know that NATO's military forces are leaving at a set date, and that much of the firepower that has kept the Taliban at bay will soon be gone.

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