Saturday, May 12, 2012

What Are The Costs Of An Intelligence Leak

More Evidence Of The Damage of Leaks -- Max Boot, Commentary

Yesterday, I wrote about the damage that leaks can do to sensitive intelligence operations. Now, ABC News has reported: “The long running operation with the deep cover operative was one that intelligence agencies planned to keep running. It was pulled up short in the past week when leaks developed and put the infiltrator in jeopardy. Sources involved in the intelligence operation said the plan was to keep the operation running until a more complete picture of the still developing plots and plans of the Yemen based group and its sinister, creative bombmaker, were learned.”

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My Comment: All eyes are on the White House as the source of these leaks. But with no smoking gun .... and reporters not telling their sources .... any investigation (of which there is one already on this case) will go nowhere.

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