Saturday, May 26, 2012

World Events That Could Swing The U.S. Election

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are seen in a combination file photo. REUTERS/Jim Bourg and Jason Reed. Reuters

Five World Events That Could Swing the U.S. Election -- Foreign Policy

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are slugging it out over the economy, but the world may have a trick or two up its sleeve.

he prevailing political wisdom is that the economy -- not foreign policy -- will determine who becomes the next president of the United States. When voters were asked in a Washington Post-ABC News poll this week what the single most important issue was for them in choosing a president, 52 percent said jobs and the economy (and they're evenly split on whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney would do a better job on the latter). To put that figure in perspective, the second most-cited issue was "Health care/repealing Obamacare" at a mere 7 percent, while foreign-policy issues such as terrorism and the war in Afghanistan each mustered a measly 1 percent of responses. In January, the Pew Research Center concluded that the American public is more concerned with domestic policy than at any point in the past 15 years.

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My Comment: What's my prediction ..... it is the euro crisis that will swing the election. More to the point .... it is Europe's debt crisis getting out of control and impacting the stock and financial markets that will make the voters scrutinize and evaluate who will be the best candidate to confront this calamity.

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