Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Anti-War Landlord Refused To Rent Apartment Due To Veteran's Military Service

National Guard veteran Joel Morgan says anti-war landlord refused to rent apartment over military service. Photo credit: Fox News

Veteran Says Anti-War Landlord Refused To Rent Apartment Due To Military Service -- Examiner

Joel Morgan, a National Guard veteran who served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, has sued a Boston landlord, claiming she refused to rent an apartment to him due to his military service, the Boston Herald reported Monday.

“It just is not going to be comfortable for us without a doubt. It probably would be better for you to look for a place that is a little bit less politically active and controversial,” the landlord reportedly said in a voicemail played for the Herald in the presence of Morgan's attorney.

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My Comment: The law is very clear .... you cannot discriminate against someone who has served in the military. A prediction .... this anti-war landlord refusal to rent is going to cost her a pretty penny when this case is resolved.


David M Zuniga said...

The young military thug has no case; he's a whiner, like too many of these young people tend to be. I mean, they're traipsing around in people's homes and neighborhoods 8,000 miles away, without a congressional declaration of war and without any demonstrable threat to the USA...killing people for defending their own homes and towns? Good job, you blithering idiots.

But my point is: it's ILLEGAL.

Yes, as you say, the law is very clear: Article I, Section 8, Clauses 10-16 of the U.S. Constitution stipulate the ONLY powers given to federal government to engage in military activities.

Mostly, it is a harmonizing, training, and organizing function for the Militias of the Several States. It is also a DEFENSIVE navy, and allows for Letters of Marque and Reprisal (essentially going overseas to exact restitution on a state or individuals that cause damages to the USA.

The goon has no case; the lady is correct in standing for the U.S. Constitution, even if she may be a liberal...and possibly a fruitcake in other aspects. She is on the right side of the moral and legal case.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you David for your comment. The issue is not the war .... the issue is on who can you rent to. And the rule of law is blunt .... you cannot discriminate who you may (or may not want to) rent to.