Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clinton Warns Putin to Respect Georgian Sovereignty

Clinton Warns Putin to Respect Georgian Sovereignty Amid Strains -- Bloomberg Businessweek

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Russia to honor its commitments under accords that ended its five-day conflict with Georgia in 2008, requiring troop pullback to pre-war numbers and locations.

“We reject Russia’s occupation and militarization of Georgia’s territory and we call upon Russia to fulfill its obligations under the 2008 cease-fire resolution, including withdrawal of its forces to pre-conflict positions and free access for humanitarian assistance,” Clinton said in a speech today in the Black Sea port of Batumi after meeting Georgian Prime Minister Nika Gilauri.

Read more ....

Update #1: U.S. promises military training to Georgia -- Reuters
Update #2: Clinton in Georgia to bolster US ally's defenses -- AP
Update #3: Clinton Chides Russia on Georgian Breakaway Republics -- Voice of America

My Comment: If there is an issue that upsets Russian President Putin .... it is this one .... and Sec. of State Clinton knows that. Expect the next Russia - Clinton meet to be a frosty one.

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