Monday, June 11, 2012

French Socialists On Course To Winning An Absolute Majority In Parliament

French Socialists On Course To Score Absolute Majority In Parliament -- The Guardian

Win would give President François Hollande a free hand in his response to country's economic crisis

The left has scored well in the first round of French parliamentary elections, leaving the Socialist party within reach of an absolute majority that would give François Hollande, the president, a free hand in his approach to dealing with the economic crisis.

The Socialists need 289 out of the 577 seats in the national assembly to take an absolute majority in the final runoff on Sunday 17 June.

Read more

France's Hollande in strong parliament position -- Reuters

My Comment: A heads-up on a sign of things to come .... just in the past month I have received a number of requests from my family and friends (and friends of my family/friends) on getting information on immigrating to Canada. Two cousins from Ukraine, one from Russia, a friend of a friend from Greece, one from Italy .... and just in the past week .... three requests from France .... and probably a few more in the next few weeks. Bottom line .... Europe is imploding .... the debt is to high, and with no work available everyone is now looking at other options with immigration being the number one route. The French Socialists and their supporters may be basking in victory .... but the people who make the country work .... the entrepreneurs, the innovators, the risk takers .... in the past six months I have noticed that most of them have made the decision to bail out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of them? How many is "most"? In fact, the wealthy in China and elsewhere are comfortable sending their money elsewhere and staying at home

The socialists have won but those who were in power put the country into the desparate economic condition it now is in.