Thursday, June 7, 2012

How Much Will It Cost To Modernize America's Nuclear Arsenal?

Study: Government Low-Balls Cost of Nuclear Fleet -- US News And World Report

The federal government is low when calculating the amount it spends on the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal, says a new report, and several longtime atomic arms analysts say government officials have no clue how much the world's most lethal weapons really cost.

The Stimson Center released a study Tuesday that concludes Washington will spend between $352 billion to $392 billion over the next decade to modernize its nuclear fleet. The think tank's researchers dove into Pentagon budget documents to conclude the Defense Department pegs the same costs between $221 billion to $244 billion.

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My Comment: Here is an easy prediction .... with massive budget and program cuts slated for the future .... Congress will be demanding real numbers and real budgets when it comes to money allocations for nuclear modernization.

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