Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is Syria A Proxy War Between U.S. And Russia?

Is Syria Becoming a Proxy War Between U.S. and Russia? -- John T. Bennett, U.S. News And World Report

Russian state-owned firms are supplying regime with weapons. The CIA is reportedly helping vet recipients of foreign-provided arms for opposition forces. But this isn't the Cold War. It's present day Syria.

Reports surfaced Thursday that a small number of CIA officers have been deployed to southern Turkey to assist U.S. allies with the tough task of deciding which Syrian rebel elements should receive weapons in their fight against Syrian President Bashir al-Assad's loyalist military.

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My Comment: When one reads stories of Russian cargo ships carrying arms to Syria and the CIA providing assistance to the Syrian rebels .... a U.S. - Russia proxy war is certainly the impression.But in actual fact this is a Syrian religious civil war with the Alawite community pitted against the Sunni population of Syria .... and in the end it will be determined by Syria's citizens.

More news on U.S. - Russian differences on Syria can be read here.

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