Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Leaner, Cleaner Russian Army

This Week at War: A Leaner, Cleaner Russian Army -- Robert Haddick, Foreign Policy

Everyone agrees that Russia's military needs reform. But making it happen won't be easy.

This month, the U.S. Army War College released Can Russia Reform: Economic, Political and Military Perspectives, an anthology published by the college's Strategic Studies Institute and edited by Stephen Blank, a professor at the college. Mark Galeotti, a professor at New York University and a long-time analyst of Russia's military and security forces, contributed a chapter on reforming the Russian Army. Corruption, poor leadership, outmoded policies, and Russia's impoverishment after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Galeotti suggests, has reduced the once-mighty Russian fighting force to an ineffective mob.

Read more ....

My Comment:
I have trouble seeing the Russian military being able to reform itself into a serious "leaner and cleaner" military force that will have a global impact. The political bureaucracy, the military culture, the systemic corruption, the demographics that show a smaller Russian population .... this .... and much much more .... are forces at work that will impede any reform .... and considering the history of reform in Russia .... I can easily make the prediction that it will fail.

1 comment:

Orion said...

For a parade, those troops need some serious retraining.

Heads twisted every which way, some folks out of step, sloppy rifle positioning...I know the Russian Army doesn't use NonComs the way we do but MAN someone needs to spend some time on D&C!
