Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Look At Delta Force

Delta Force: Army’s ‘Quiet Professionals’ -- Washington Times

Operate in shadows – not in spotlight.

As Navy SEALs bask in the limelight for daring missions, some in the Army are wondering whether the other half of the nation’s counter-terrorism covert warriors - Delta Force - is being upstaged and left in the shadows.

Adm. William H. McRaven, a SEAL who commanded the Joint Special Operations Command when SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan last year, favors his guys over Delta, some say.

“All I’ve heard and observed is that he is obviously pro-SEAL and that explains why Delta has been sidelined,” said a retired ArmyGreen Beret who still conducts special operations as a government contractor.

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My Comment: These are the military units of the future .... expect more stories on them in the years to come.

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