Saturday, June 9, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 9, 2012

ACADEMI -- ex-Blackwater -- Boosts State Dept Business, Eyes Acquisitions: EXCLUSIVE -- Aol Defense

ARLINGTON, VA: How confident is the new management at private security contractor ACADEMI -- formerly known as Xe and, also, infamously, as Blackwater -- that they've turned the company around?

Last month, apparently without attracting any public attention (until now), they quietly bought another security firm, International Development Solutions, and took over its piece of the State Department's $10 billion World Protective Services contract, which then-Blackwater got kicked out of years ago.

Read more ....


The kill chain: Australia's drone war -- ABC News (Australia)

Poland To Set Up New UAV Unit
-- Defense News

Russia installs new radars as a deterrent -- Russia Beyond the Headlines

Cutting missile system leaves British warships at risk
-- The Telegraph

Turkey to declare $4 bln decision on air defense -- Hurriyet Daily News

Philippine President Aquino seeks U.S. military aid -- Washington Post

Cyber War: North Korea Is Getting Dangerously Good At Knocking Out Networks
-- Business Insider

Russian Trader Rosoboronexport Bids to Sell Ammunition to U.S. -- Bloomberg

GAO: Full costs of Europe force restructure not known -- Stars and Stripes

U.S. Navy expands 5th Fleet's gulf base
-- UPI

Boeing Close to Choosing Carrier Drone Design
-- Defense Tech

Super Hornets Could Launch Their Own UAVs --

Boeing’s high hopes for the Super Hornet
-- DoD Buzz

Small Robot Gets Big Capability Boost
-- Defense News

Boeing Developing JDAM Wing Kits, Tripling Range -- Defense Tech

Military, intel officials call for Senate action on cybersecurity bill -- Next Gov

Bradley Manning fails to persuade military judge to throw out charges -- The Guardian

Accused Fort Hood shooter's beard causes delay in court proceedings -- Stars and Stripes

Holder Directs U.S. Attorneys to Track Down Paths of Leaks -- New York Times

Commando Competition Promotes Special Ops Skills, Collaboration -- US Department of Defense

Military's plan for a "green" future has Congress seeing red
-- CNN

US military is targeting China - no doubt about that! -- Robert Tilford, Examiner

Former Pentagon Analyst Says China Can Shut Down All The Telecom Gear It Sold To The US -- Business Insider

Silver Star for Francis Gary Powers -- Airforce magazine

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