Friday, June 15, 2012

Military Bibles A National Security Threat?

Group Calls Military Bibles a National Security Threat -- FOX News

The U.S. Military has revoked its approval of a series of military-themed Bibles, reportedly over trademark issues. Now, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is demanding that all remaining versions of the Bibles be removed from base exchanges — calling them a “threat to national security.”

The military series of Bibles were published by B&H Publishing, a division of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest non-Catholic denomination. They published four versions of the Holman Christian Standard Bible – representing the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.

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My Comment: You gotta be kidding me.

1 comment:

Orion said...


I'm a Pagan and *I* liked getting a free Bible in BCT, and I carried one with me in Iraq. It's not my faith, but the philosophy in it is often excellent and always thought-provoking.
