Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rumors Abound Of CIA Involvment In Syria's Civil War

Why The CIA Won’t Relish Its Syria Mission -- Time

The agency is being forced to play catch-up in a complex situation of which it has limited knowledge. Turkey's cooperation may be vital.

According to the New York Times, the CIA now has people deployed in Turkey trying to sort out which Syrian rebels should be armed, and which shouldn’t. That comes as no real surprise, in light of Syria spinning into worse chaos and violence, and the Obama Administration running out of good options. Isn’t the CIA always called in when nothing else works?

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More News On Suspected CIA Involvement In Syria

Report: CIA aids in funneling arms to Syrian rebels -- Christian Science Monitor
Administration mum on claims CIA helping steer arms to Syrian opposition -- FOX News
CIA vetting arms flow to Syria rebels: report -- AFP
Report: US Helping Syrian Rebels Arm, Fight -- Voice of America
Opening the Weapons Tap: Syria’s Rebels Await Fresh and Free Ammo -- Time
‘We Don’t Know Who The Good Guys’ in Syria Are, But That Won’t Stop CIA -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room

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