Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Human Cost Of Sudan's Long History Of War

New Wave Of ‘Lost Boys’ Flee Sudan’s Lingering War -- New York Times

YIDA, South Sudan — Thousands of unaccompanied children are streaming out of an isolated, rebellious region of Sudan, fleeing a relentless aerial assault and the prospect of famine.

Sent by their parents on harrowing odysseys across battlefields and malaria-infested swamps, the children are repeating one of the most sordid chapters of Sudanese history: the perilous flight of the so-called Lost Boys during the civil war in the 1990s, who wandered hundreds of miles dodging militias, bombers and lions.

Now, a new generation of Lost Boys, and some Lost Girls, too, is emerging from a war that, despite a peace agreement, has never completely ended.

Read more ....

My Comment: History has a nasty habit of repeating itself .... and for those in the Sudan .... the worst part of it's history is being repeated.

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