Thursday, July 26, 2012

More CIA Documents Found On The Bin laden Movie

Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty' will detail the hunt for bin Laden. Screenrant

CIA Finds Stack Of 'Overlooked' Documents On Bin Laden Movie -- Politico

The Central Intelligence Agency recently discovered a "4 to 5 inch stack" of documents that relate to the spy agency's cooperation with the makers of a forthcoming Hollywood film on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, according to a new court filing.

The documents about CIA dealings with the film now titled "Zero Dark Thirty" were "inadvertently overlooked" in response to a Freedom of Information Act request and lawsuit filed by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, Justice Department attorneys said in a motion filed in federal court in Washington Tuesday afternoon (posted here).

Read more ....

Update: CIA: Did you mean these documents? Update: Judicial Watch fights another delay -- Hot Air

My Comment
: Is the White House using the intelligence community to enhance the President's image .... hmmm .... c'mon way .... not at all .... who are you kidding ....etc. etc. etc.

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