Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Russian View On Chinese Territorial Claims

Image from The Economist

China Has Territorial Claims To Nearly 20 Countries --

Chinese leader Mao Zedong not only built a strong country but also outlined a global goal: "We must conquer the globe where we will create a powerful state." Today, China has territorial claims to all its neighbors. Naturally, the U.S. is dreaming of becoming a mediator in resolving disputes in the region. But it seems that Beijing absolutely does not care about their opinion.

Burma, Laos, Northern India, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Ryukyu Islands, 300 islands of the South China, East China and Yellow Seas, as well as Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Taiwan, South Kazakhstan, the Afghan province of Bahdashan, Transbaikalia and the Far East to South Okhotsk - here is the complete list of areas that, according to Zedong, were lost due to the fall of the Qing empire. All of these countries and regions combined exceed the territory of modern China.

Read more ....

My Comment: Russia is not on the list of Chinese territorial claims .... but everyone in Russia knows that this only temporary. See here for more info and history on Russia - Chinese territorial claims.

Update: Maybe I talked too soon.

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