Thursday, July 26, 2012

The US Army's Failed Combat Camouflage Uniform

$5B CAMO SNAFU -- Erik German, The Daily

Army ditches failed combat uniform that put a target on grunts’ backs for 8 years.

NATICK, Mass. — The Army is changing clothes.

Over the next year, America’s largest fighting force is swapping its camouflage pattern. The move is a quiet admission that the last uniform — a pixelated design that debuted in 2004 at a cost of $5 billion — was a colossal mistake.

Soldiers have roundly criticized the gray-green uniform for standing out almost everywhere it’s been worn. Industry insiders have called the financial mess surrounding the pattern a “fiasco.”

As Army researchers work furiously on a newer, better camouflage, it’s natural to ask what went wrong and how they’ll avoid the same missteps this time around. In a candid interview with The Daily, several of those researchers said Army brass interfered in the selection process during the last round, letting looks and politics get in the way of science.

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My Comment: Another distressing read on how some programs are handled by the military.

1 comment:

Nicholas Darkwater said...

I did some work on the same subject:

... and followed it up with

If anyone has an interest in the subject, he might find these interesting.