Wednesday, July 18, 2012

U.S. Policymakers Bracing For A Complete Collapse Of Syria

US Policymakers Brace For Potential 'Collapse' In Syria -- FOX News

U.S. policymakers are bracing for a potential "collapse" of the power structure inside Syria, as the Obama administration closely monitors the intensifying violence in the capital.

Following a bomb attack that left several Syrian regime officials dead, a State Department source forwarded to Fox News an assessment from an independent Middle East analyst who monitors social media in the region and provides occasional guidance to the department.

Read more ....

My Comment: While US Secretary of Defense Panetta did voice his concerns today that the Syrian civil war is spiraling out of control .... his main concern is this .... and especially this possible scenario.

What's my take .... I am expecting the worst because in the mindset of many in Syria right now .... on both sides .... the gloves have been taken off, and anything is now possible.

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