Monday, August 6, 2012

China To U.S.: "Shut Up"

Beijing Tells US To 'Shut Up' Over South China Sea Tensions -- The Telegraph

China's state-run media ramped up condemnation of the United States on Monday over tensions in the South China Sea, with the Communist Party's top newspaper telling Washington to "Shut up".

The Chinese Foreign Ministry's over the weekend condemned a U.S. State Department statement that said Washington was closely monitoring territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and that China's establishment of a military garrison for the area risks "further escalating tensions in the region".

The mosaic of rival territorial claims in the South China Sea has become Asia's worst potential military flashpoint.

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More News On China Telling The U.S. To "Shut - Up" Over the South China Sea Dispute

China Tells US to ‘Shut Up’ Over Sea Criticism -- Voice of America
China calls in U.S. diplomat over South China Sea -- Reuters
South China Sea: Beijing attacks US 'trouble-making' -- BBC
Chinese state media blast US -- The Australian
China: U.S. sent wrong signal on dispute -- UPI

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