Saturday, August 4, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 4, 2012

A Grey Eagle drone prepares for takeoff at Camp Taji, Iraq, 2010. Photo: U.S. Army

Drone Race Will Ultimately Lead To A Sanitised Factory Of Slaughter -- Noel Sharkey, The Guardian

The rise in use of drone attacks and the technology that goes with them is the final step in the industrial revolution of war

The CIA has killed more than 200 children in drone strikes outside of legitimate war zones since 2004, it is alleged. In Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia an estimated total of between 451 and 1,035 civilians were killed in at least 373 strikes according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the most accurate source of "kill statistics".

Read more


UK Tornado fleet to retire in 2019, says BAE -- Flight Global

Attack Iran later, ex-military intel warns -- UPI

Turkish army retires generals jailed on coup charges -- Reuters

US: China’s new military garrison risks escalation of tensions in South China Sea -- Washington Post/AP

Why The U.S. Army Is A Major Buyer Of Russian Helicopters
-- Strategy Page

CIA got ‘spoofed’ on twitter! -- Examiner

Step Aboard The Navy's $2.4 Billion Virginia-Class Nuclear Submarine -- Business Insider

Navy Opens Fire Scout Training Center -- Defense News

These Massive Vehicles Are A Colossal Waste Of Taxpayer Money -- Business Insider

22 Years later, U.S. Navy Air in similar trouble -- Eric Palmer Blog

Pentagon Official Blames U.S. Bomb Cost Hike on “Incomplete” DOE Agency Estimate -- Global Security Newswire

Giant Drone’s Laser Cannon Nixed by Congress -- Danger Room

Senate Panel Jams Army Network -- Danger Room

Why We Should Cut Tri-Nation Anti-Missile Program, MEADS
-- Aol Defense

MILITARY: Sergeants Course prepares future of Marines -- North County Times

Maj. Gen. Donohue takes command of US Army Africa -- Stars and Stripes

Fort Hood shooting suspect fined by judge once more after again showing up in court with beard -- Washington Post/AP

Military report details misconduct on Colombia trip -- CNN

Panetta Sets Up Military Justice Review Board --

Wounded Veterans With Some Genital Injuries Denied Benefits Due To 'Legal Issues,' Pentagon Says -- David Wood, Huffington Post

Church says military funeral protests will continue despite new restrictions -- CNN

The Hollow Force is Here -- Information Dissemination

Why There's Nothing Illegal about CIA Drone Pilots
-- Charles G. Kels, Small Wars Journal

Are Military Suicides Contagious?
-- Jacey Eckhart,

A Pernicious Drive Toward Secrecy -- New York Times editorial

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